Contact Us
Technical Support
There is a thin line between with Kali and using Kali. If it is a problem with:
- The base Operating system, Kali, get in touch with us.
- A package, get in touch with us.
- If it is how to use a tool, then you need to get in touch with the original author.
So if you have a technical issue with Kali, we suggest looking at our community support page, which will give you various methods of getting help.
Non-Technical Support
You can try to reach out to various methods of the Kali team or also try whats on the community support page.
Report a Bug
If you have found an issue with Kali, then please make a post on our bug tracker. For more information, please see our guide on how to submit a bug report.
Report A Vulnerability/Security Issue
Found a something concerning? We take security seriously and welcome any reports of issues.
We also run a bug bounty program, which covers anything anything on the Kali infrastructure, websites, and subdomains, (*
). For more information, please use the following methods of contact:
Press and Media Enquiries
Yes, you can use Kali freely! We would love to hear if you do.
If you need something formalized in writing or similar, please contact us at press at kali dot org
(using this address for any other enquiries will be ignored)